Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Snow Day to (Hopefully) End all Snow Days...

Wow! This is like snow day #7!
So yesterday we got like 2 feet of snow--which apparently is quite the record for Arkansas! 

...obviously school was cancelled....again.........which is totally cool.......except I'm NOT looking forward to having to make up all of these classes! (shout out to the professors that don't follow U of A policy and think their class is the most important thing in the world).

Ok, so yesterday was pretty awesome--make-shift snow clothes, a tarp, and a snow-covered hill made for quite the adventure. Being from Utah, I'm a pretty classy sledder: slick snowsuits, wool hats, boots, and Heaven forbid--REAL SLEDS! Hahaha! But all the same, it was one of the greatest days ever! I didn't even touch my homework! I've got some pretty fantastic friends here, so they really made it for me :)

Also, this is what I look like when I've fallen in snow and my roommate's dog tries to save me:

This is my roomie when she fell in the snow...

Afterwards, the boys made us dinner from the random crap they found in our chicken (which apparently could be turned into chicken enchiladas, Spanish rice, and beans!?) MmmMMmMmm...De-LISH.

What's up for today? That would be a whole lot of homework (since it looks like the snow is melting--i.e. I might have class tomorrow), some laundry (almost out of clean underwear...TMI?), and if institute gets cancelled, party at our apartment with the ward peeps! Eila and Adam wanted to try Swedish Pancakes for dinner, so that should be interesting :)

1 comment:

  1. I think you stole those pictures from someone I know... Can I file some sort of a law suit and have you be my attorney? Wait, how would that work, to file a law suit against your own attorney, and to have them defend you... That wouldn't make sense would it?
