Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mountain Woman

So, I've got a new goal for this summer that has to do with my BEAUTIFUL HOME STATE of UTAH!!

For those unfamiliar with the totally awesome stuff UT has to offer--here's a little taste:

Here's what I was thinking:
I've never taken advantage of these fantastic hiking spots! I've been camping, fishing, etc., by my super whiny attitude towards hiking has stopped me from getting the coolest spots around the Beehive state. 
So, I'm working on a sweet workout plan at the gym that involves a steep incline on the treadmill and carrying weights, so that when the sweet, blessed summer rolls around, I'll be able to climb a mountain without passing out!! Can I get a Hoo-RAH!! 

I do have a specific place in mind...


Red Castle in the High Uintas!

Now this is going to take a significant amount of endurance (for me at lease--since hiking the Y makes me want to cry....) and this is a journey of a few days. Hopefully I can convince my dad and brother to take me, and we'll have a jolly good time :)

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