Monday, April 1, 2013

The Next Step: A Leap of Faith!

With graduation approaching in May, I've spent a lot of time contemplating which career path to take. After a lot of prayer and deep thought, AJ and I have decided to go forward with a dream I've had for a while--to open up my own law firm as a solo practitioner! I've spent so much of my time working with different attorneys in different areas of law, and toyed with the idea of working for various firms, but I found that I was really unhappy with the the majority of those environments. The two things that did make me happy in these places was learning more about the law, and working with people who need help. I also realized that family is the most important thing in the world to me, and I didn't want to end up in a job where I was expected to put in 50-60+ hours a week and never get to live my life or raise a family. On my own, I'll be able to control my work-load, and come and go as I'd like. Thankfully, I'm in the position right now to build a career which will afford me this luxury in a short amount of time. AND, I have the most supportive husband in the world, who is willing to work hard so that I am able to jump-start this dream of mine. I jokingly told him that while he finishes HIS last year of law school, I would hire him as my law clerk :) Who knows--maybe one day The Stephanie Gregory Law Firm will become Gregory & Gregory!

So maybe you're wondering how in the world this is going to work....well, let me tell you.

A couple of months ago, I met with an attorney who I know from church to talk about my then-plans after graduation. I would work for a local non-profit organization as a supervising attorney while they did some very basic immigration law workshops for community members. It was such a cop-out. It was safe, and I wasn't excited about it at all. This attorney told me that if what I really wanted to do was practice law, then I needed to jump in with both feet. He offered to rent me part of his office, AND, even more valuable than that, mentor me. I brought the idea home to AJ, and without even blinking, he said "absolutely--do it!" (love him!) Every morning since then I've woken up excited and ready to get the show on the road! All that's left to do is graduate and pass the bar exam. I've also sought the help of a couple of immigration attorney's who are willing to help me out when immigration comes through the door--which it already has! If there were ever any doubts about my mentoring attorney, cast them to the side, because he's already spreading the word about my future as an immigration attorney, and I should have a few cases ready to go once i'm sworn in (*crosses fingers*) with some really great clients.

So here's to the coming months! I'm nervous and stressed and anxious, but mostly I'm on top of the world! Here's to my parents for teaching me that, short of being a ballerina (too tall and uncoordinated), I could do anything I wanted to. Here's to my friends for keeping me laughing. Here's to my husband, for giving me the daily courage I need to keep moving forward. And here's to the Lord, for giving me everyone I just mentioned, and always taking care of me. He truly never sets us up to fail.

Stay tuned for more updates!

P.S. Check out my awesome logo -->

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